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Muzik Hit Terbaik

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Fatiya Latiff Tuntut Hutang Dari Aiman, Sharifah Sakinah Buka Cerita Sebenar?

Post oleh Fatiya itu nampaknya telah dipadam.
20 Sep 2018, 07:56 PM

Fatiya Latiff sekali lagi menjadi perhatian netizen di laman Instagram apabila beliau memuatnaik post berkenaan pelakon, Aiman Hakim Redza, yang dikatakan berhutang dengannya.

fatiya latiff tuntut hutang dari aiman, sharifah sakinah buka cerita sebenar?

Tidak lama kemudian, Sharifah Sakinah juga memuatnaik post berkenaan Aiman dan menyatakan bahawa ia tidak benar sama sekali.

fatiya latiff tuntut hutang dari aiman, sharifah sakinah buka cerita sebenar?


This is a genuine rant from the heart. So people hear me out, especially to that one person. Aiman has been so loyal to you during your relationship so I don’t know him much during that time, but after that we’ve been good friends for five years and he’s not that kind of person nor ever having problem with money. At first, I don’t want to make a comment on this on social media but I don’t have the chance to meet you and DM couldn’t do justice to the damage you have done. You choose to aibkan him so I choose to have a say on behalf of his reputation. This claim is not true. In fact, during the relationship it is you who caused so many unnecessary dramas and problems. So I’m giving you an important advice and this can apply to everyone. When you are being irrational ke, super sad, super angry, drunk or high please try not to post anything on social media. If it’s so hard to lawan the perasaan tu, GET AWAY FROM YOUR PHONE for awhile, it will only do you harm. Everything we post has consequences. And this post is the unpleasant consequences of your post.

A post shared by Sharifah Sakinah Al-Khaired (@sharifah_sakinah) on

Fatiya juga telah memadamkan post berkenaan Aiman dan menutup ruang komen pada beberapa post di laman Instagram miliknya.

nak tahu apa haiwan buat bila tak ada orang lihat? kelakar weh !

Filled Under :

*Kami mempunyai hak untuk memadamkan komen yang menyentuh sensitiviti/tidak bersesuaian.


